[Siege of Vienna]. Relation veritable du siège de Vienne.

Lyon, Thomas Amaulry, 1684.

12mo. (8), 159 pp. With folding engraved portrait and folding engr. plan. Contemporary calf.


First edition of this account of the 1683 Turkish siege of Vienna. The portrait shows Count Starhemberg. Owner's stamp to title page. Includes an additional engraving, captioned by a contemporary hand: "Mort du Grand Vizir, étranglé par l’ordre de Mehemed 4 pour n’avez pas pris Vienne". Old cancelled stamps. A clean, well-preserved copy, formerly in the Ottoman collection of the Swiss industrialist Herry W. Schaefer.


Sturminger 2449. Kábdebo II, 182 ("1683" in error, not seen or located). Cf. Graesse VI/1, 76 (Brussels, 1684).

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