Including Trew's magnificent white falcon

Knorr, Georg Wolfgang. Deliciae naturae selectae oder auserlesenes Naturalien-Cabinet welches aus den drey Reichen der Natur zeiget, was von curiösen Liebhabern aufbehalten und gesammlet zu werden verdienet [...] fortgesetzt von dessen Erben, beschrieben von Philipp Ludwig Statius Müller und in das Französische übersetzt von Matthäus Verdier de la Blaquiere.

Nuremberg, (1754-)1766/67.

Large folio. 2 vols. in one. (26), VIII, 132 pp. (4), XX, 144 pp. With coloured engraved title-page (dated 1754), large engraved vignette by Andreas Hoffer after Gottfried Eichler, and 91 (1 folding) coloured or colour-printed engravings by Knorr, J. A. Eisenmann, A. Hoffer and others. Contemporary calfskin binding gilt.


First edition of this monumental work of natural history, one of the most splendid zoological works ever produced in Nuremberg. Begun by Knorr as early as 1751, it was continued by his heirs after his death in 1761. The book describes items from the great contemporary natural history collections, including the magnificent white falcon (with hood) from the collection of the famous physician and botanist Christoph Jakob Trew. The illustrations, occasionally printed in colours but mostly hand-coloured in radiant hues, depict birds, exotic mammals, fishes, corals, butterflies and other insects.

Occasional insignificant waterstaining to the wide blank margins of the text; a few plates show unobtrusive fingerstaining. A beautiful, very wide-margined copy in excellent state of preservation, printed on good, strong paper. Plates show clean, distinct colours and superior contrast.


Nissen, ZBI 2227. Horn/Schenkling 12038. Hagen I, 426. Dean I, 696. Graesse IV, 35.

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