Manual of Arabic in a French master binding for the Duc de Luynes

Petermann, Julius Heinrich. Brevis linguae Arabicae grammatica, litteratura, chrestomathia cum glossario.

Berlin, G. Eichler, 1840.

Small 8vo. VI, (2), 125, (3), 92 pp. Later 19th century leather with giltstamped title to spine, both boards and spine with gilt armorial lion crest of the Ducs de Luynes. Leading edges, inner dentelle gilt; marbled endpapers.


First edition of Petermann's manual of Arabic in a French master binding for the Duc de Luynes. Issued as part IV of the author's "Porta Linguarum Orientalium" for private study, this also contains a selection of Arabic reading pieces.

Some foxing throughout, otherwise beautifully preserved. From the library of the Ducs de Luynes at the Château de Dampierre.


Vater/Jülg 27. OCLC 27870350.

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