Wietz, J. K. Sitten, Gebräuche und Trachten der Bewohner des osmanischen und türkischen Reiches.

Prague, Bohmann, 1828.

8vo. 181, (3) pp., final blank f. With 20 engraved plates in original hand colour. Contemporary boards.


First edition, issued in ten separate instalments. An entire chapter is dedicated to the Wahhabi Bedouin Arabs, their customs and costumes. The charming engravings in vibrant original hand colour are based on Castellan's 1812 "Moeurs", each plate containing several meticulous costume illustrations.

Spine sunned. Contemporary ownership "S. M. Mayer zu Klagenfurt" on title page; additional (partly deleted) ownership on flyleaf. Very clean altogether. Rare. Formerly in the Ottoman collection of the Swiss industrialist Herry W. Schaefer.


Atabey 1333. OCLC 255511974. Not in Lipperheide, Colas, or Hiler.