Nearly the whole press run lost at sea

Al-Tugrai, Hassan ibn ´Ali. Poema Tograi. Cum versione Latina Jacobi Golii hactenus inedita edidit M. Anchersen.

Utrecht, Broedelet, 1707.

Small 4to. (20), 46 pp. With engraved title vignette. Contemporary vellum.


"Édition estimée, et dont les exemplaires sont peu communs, parce que (selon Vogt) ils ont presque tous été perdus en mer" (Brunet). The accounts regarding the precise number of copies salvaged from the wreck vary: Schnurrer mentions 5 or 6, Ehrencron-Müller states 50. In any case, the number of copies extant is very small and thus the book is extremely rare. It contains the poem "Lamiyat al-Agam" by al-Hasan Ibn-Ali at-Tugrai (ca. 1061-1121) in the Arabic original with a Latin translation and copious commentary by the Danish theologian Matthias Anchersen (1682-1741). "A complaint over the unfortunate circumstances of his times and over his own lot" (cf. GAL).

Some browning and foxing due to paper. The author's personal copy, inscribed to his brother Ansgar on the front flyleaf.


Smitskamp 318. Schnurrer 199. Ehrencron-Müller I, 113. Brunet V, 875. Ebert 23020. Cf. GAL I, p. 247 (the 1717 ed.).

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