One of the first Arabic books ever printed in England

Al-Tugrai, Hassan ibn ´Ali. Lamiato 'l Ajam. Carmen Tograi. Una cum versione Latina, & notis, opera E. Pocockii.

Oxford, Henry Hall for Richard Davis, 1661.

8vo. 2 parts in 1 vol. (22), 233, (89) pp. (4), 170, (2) pp. With full-page engraving. Modern vellum.


The first Arabic-Latin edition of the great poem "Lamiyat al-´Agam" by Hassan ibn ´Ali al-Tugra'i (c. 1061-1121), and one of the first Arabic books ever printed in England: "a complaint over the unfortunate circumstances of his times and over his own lot" (cf. GAL). Contains not only the text with an extensive commentary, but also a complete index of the words appearing in the poem and the apparatus, as well as a second part, an Arabic prosody by Samuel Clarke entitled "Scientia metrica & rhythmica, seu Tractatus de prosodia Arabica" (also issued separately, but here forming part of the Tugrai edition). Edward Pococke (1604-91) was the first scholar of Arabic at Oxford; the Oxford oriental scholar Samuel Clarke (1624-69) also served his University as printer.

Variously browned due to paper. An untrimmed copy.


GAL I, p. 247. Lowndes 2692. Schnurrer 197. Brunet V, 875. Ebert 23019.

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