In contemporary colour

Kindleben, Christian Wilhelm. Galanterieen der Türken.

"Frankfurt und Leipzig" [= Altona, J. H. Kaven & Comp.], 1783.

8vo. 2 parts in 1 vol. XVI, 340 pp. (3)-136 pp. With engraved frontispiece by Wentzel (counted in the pagination) and 40 folding costume plates by Endler, in original hand colour. Modern marbled boards retaining original giltstamped red spine label.


First edition. A frequently loose account of oriental conditions and excesses; "based exclusively on earlier travel publications" (cf. Chatzipanagioti-S.). The appendix of pt. 2 has a separate title: "History of a noble Turkish lady who, dressed as a man, found her fortune and death amongst weaponry in Europe". The prologue admits that this appendix "bears no connexion with the preceding matter" - indeed, it has nothing to to with Ottoman history at all, but is a satire on German conditions during the Seven Years' War, replete with allusions which would bear closer study. The author, Christian Wilhelm Kindleben (1748-85), was sometime assistant to Basedow at the Philanthropinum reform school in Dessau.

The engravings show costumes for gentlemen and ladies; "the images of the Sultana combine elements drawn from various illustrations found in Ferriol's 'Recueil'" (cf. Chatzipanagioti-S.).

Evenly browned throughout. German postwar trade records cite a single coloured copy.


Chatzipanagioti-S. 481 (= 482; citing merely 39 plates). Frauen reisen 316. Lipperheide 1419 (Lb 3). Colas 1607. Hiler 496. Hayn/Gotendorf III, 559 (and V, 111; VII, 723). Goedeke IV/1, 929, 33.