Castellan, A. L. Moeurs, usages, costumes des Othomans, et abrégé de leur histoire.

Paris, Nepveu, 1812.

12mo. 6 vols. With 6 engraved frontispieces and 66 engraved plates, all in original hand colour. Contemp. calf gilt; all edges gilt.


First edition. "Plates are by Dalvimart, most of them reduced from those in William Alexander’s ‘Costume of Turkey’" (Hiler). The pretty plates (some aquatints) depict not only various costumes and head coverings, but also dramatic scenes.


With engraved bookplate of Baron de La Roche Lacarelle to pastedowns. Removed from the Ottoman collection of the Swiss industrialist Herry W. Schaefer.


A well-preserved, appealingly bound copy.


Blackmer 300. Aboussouan 189. Hage Chahine 821. Lipperheide Lb 42. Colas 545. Hiler 143. Auboyneau 370. Brunet I, 1226. Graesse I, 530.