Garrucci, Raffaele, SJ. Intorno ad alcune iscrizione antiche di Salerno.

Naples, Stamperia dell'Iride, 1851.

8vo. 35, (1) pp. With a folding engraved plate.

(Bound with) II: Adilardi, Francesco. Cenno storico sul vescovato di Nicastro. Seconda edizione. Naples, G. Ranucci, 1848. VIII, 58 pp.

(Bound with) III: The same. Cenno storico sul vescovato di Nicotera. Quarta edizione. Ibid., 1849. (4), 28 pp.

(Bound with) IV: The same. Cenno storico sulla chiesa vescovile di Tropea. Naples, tipografia all'insegna del Diogene, 1849. (8), 47, (1) pp. Marbled half calf with giltstamped title to gilt spine. Marbled endpapers.


Collection of four extremely rare historical works with a southern Italian subject. I: Rare and early publication by the prolific Neapolitan Jesuit Garrucci (1812-85), unrecorded by De Backer/Sommervogel, about ancient inscriptions discovered in Salerno.

II-IV: Three works by Francesco Adilardi (1815-52) on Calabrian church history, the second inscribed by the author to the Duc de Luynes on the half-title. The Duke's autograph table of contents for this made-up volume is on the rear flyleaf.

Insignificant foxing; very appealingly bound. Removed from the library of the Ducs de Luynes at the Château de Dampierre: their bookplate reproducing the arms of Charles Marie d'Albert de Luynes (1783-1839), 7th Duc de Luynes, on pastedown.


I: OCLC 40953700. ICCU SBL\0728508. Not in De Backer/Sommervogel.

II: ICCU PAL\0096576.

III: OCLC 431941148. ICCU SBL\0717659.