On his way to the West, urged to stay by the Soviet authorities

Malevich, Kazimir, Russian painter and art theoretician (1879-1935). Autograph letter signed.

[Moscow, 21. II. 1927].

Large 8vo. 1½ pp. Written in blue and red ink. With autogr. envelope.


To his third wife, Natalya Andreevna (née Manchenka, 1902-90), about his arrival in Moscow and negotiations concerning his payment, then already concluded: "[...] I arrived in Moscow. I was upset all day, even more so at the Glavnauka [Main Administration of Scientific, Artistic, and Museum institutions], the whole Glavnauka, all Main Administrations convinced me not to stay abroad, this is where my bread grows, they said ... It was decided to pay me the full 160 Rubles [...] The line of my life will proceed with you and will finally climb the height of art. Now I am completely by myself and united with you in one single force, and you will endure with me everything until the very end [...]".


Malewitsch über sich. Zeitgenossen über Malewitsch. Briefe. Dokumente. Erinnerungen. Kritik. Bd. 1, Moskau 2004, Nr. 2.

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