"now my camp is gaining the upper hand"

Malevich, Kazimir, Russian painter and art theoretician (1879-1935). Autograph letter signed.

[Nemchinovk], between January 7 and 14, 1929.

8vo. 3 pp. on bifolium. Page 4 written by his daughter Una.


In Russian, to his third wife, Natalya Andreevna (née Manchenka, 1902-90), about fighting against the AKhRR (Assotsiatsia Khudozhnikov Revolutsionnoi Rossii - Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia), appointments with Kirill Ivanovich Shutko (with whom he talked about Dziga Vertov), Archangelski, M. P. Kristi, and Aleksei Gan, who wished to publish two essays by him. "A new AKhRR campaign against the new artistic currents has begun here, but it's their bad luck that now my camp is gaining the upper hand, and so they haven't a leg to stand on. I went to the Tretyakovka gallery and saw Kristi; on Friday I will be back there speaking about the new department and possibly about my works [...] I think I have already mentioned everything. I will receive my payment on Monday and then go and buy the tickets; I expect to be in Leningrad on Wednesday [...]".

In her postscript, Malevich's daughter Una (then aged nine) reports how happy she was that her father had come to celebrate Christmas with her.

K. I. Shutko (1884-1941) was editor-in-chief of the magazine "Soviet Cinema".


Malewitsch über sich. Zeitgenossen über Malewitsch. Briefe. Dokumente. Erinnerungen. Kritik. Vol. 1 (Moscow 2004), no. 8.

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