Fröhlich, Erasmus, SJ. Annales compendiarii regum, & rerum Syriae, numis veteribus illustrati, deducti ad obitu Alexandri Magni [...]. Editio altera cui accessere notae compendiariae et monogrammata numismatum Graecorum.

Vienna, Leopold Kaliwoda und Augustin Bernhard, 1754.

Folio. (12), 92 pp. With engraved frontispiece, 22 engraved plates and one engraving in the text. 19th century half cloth.


Re-issue of the 1750 second edition of this investigation of the Seleucid Empire, based on numismatic studies (first published in 1744). It embroiled the author, the Jesuit Erasmus Fröhlich (1700-58), in a literary and theological feud with the Leipzig scholar Gottlieb Wernsdorf (cf. ADB).

With splendid engraved frontispiece by Franz Leopold Schmitner (1703-61) and additional engravings by the Augsburg artist Salomon Kleiner (1700-61). Severe dampstaining, interior stained and wavy; some mildew. This edition not in the Austrian National Library.


De Backer/Sommervogel III, 1020, 9. For Kaliwoda cf. Durstmüller I, 235.

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