Selden, John. De di[i]s Syris snytagmata II. Editio omnium novissima, opera Andreae Beyeri.

Leipzig, Sigismund Cörner , 1668.

8vo. 2 vols. in one. (38), 373, (51) pp. (6), 338, (36) pp. With engr. t. p. (wants the table). Contemp. auburn morocco, richly gilt. All edges gilt.


Third edition, the second edited by Andreas Beyer (first published in London in 1617). Selden (1584-1654) "first won fame in Europe as an orientalist by his treatise 'De Diis Syris', the first of his oriental studies [...] use was also made of it by Vossius in his great treatise on idiolatry" (DNB).

Elaborately bound gilt binding; insignificantly rubbed with minute restoration to upper spine-end.


VD 17, 23:320175K. DNB 1161. Graesse VI/1, 343. Cf. STC S 1861.

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