[Brazilian officers]. Collection of autographs by Brazilian military men: Joaquim Cordeiro Guerra, José Flores da Cunha, Pedro Goes Monteiro, and Adalberto Lara de Almeida.

Rio de Janeiro, Resende, Montevideo, and no place, 1932-1940.

5 sets of autographs laid down to album leaves, including original envelopes, numerous photo reproductions and newspaper clippings.


Collection assembled by the young Uruguayan nobleman Alejandro Zorrilla de San Martin (1909-87; Foreign Affairs Minister from 1963 to 1965 and grandson of José Luis Zorrilla de San Martín, the National Poet of Uruguay) by direct application. Admiral Joaquim Cordeiro Guerra writes a full-page lettercard (June 1935) next to an image of his ship, the "São Paulo". General José Antônio Flores da Cunha (1880-1959) signs only his name, while General Pedro Aurélio de Góis Monteiro (1889-1956) signs twice (10 Sept. 1932, with 5-line inscription, and 26 Dec. 1940, with compliments). Vice-Admiral Adalberto Lara de Almeida (1885-1961) provides a caption to the image submitted by Zorrilla, as well as penning eight lines on both sides of his visiting card.

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