The ancient trading routes

Eichhorn, Johann Gottfried. Geschichte des ostindischen Handels vor Mohammed.

Gotha, Carl Wilhelm Ettinger, 1775.

8vo. X, 82 pp. Wrappers.


First edition of this exceptionally rare study in historical economics, exploring the ancient trade routes to East India and Arabia in pre-Muhammadian times, citing many Greek sources. The linguist J. G. Eichhorn (1752-1827) was professor of oriental languages at Göttingen, where he also taught political history and literary history.

A very clean, well-preserved copy: contemporary note of acquisition on title page; two typographical errors noted on the errata page have been corrected by the owner.


Kress 7102. Roscher 913. ADB V, 731. OCLC 65352288.

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