De arte cabbalistica

[Reuchlin, Johannes]. Colonna Galatino, Pietro. Opus de arcanis catholicae veritatis [...]. Ad haec, Ioannis Reuchlini de Arte Cabalistica, libri tres.

Basel, Johann Herwagen, 1561.

Folio (230:340 mm). (18) pp., 1 bl. f., 551 (but: 549), (4), 552-651, (41) pp. Attractively blindstamped contemp. pigskin binding over bevelled wooden boards. 2 brass clasps.


Second issue by Herwagen (printed by him previously in 1550), first published at Ortona in 1518. The author "defends Catholicism against Judaism and also stands up for Reuchlin as regards the assaults of his contemporaries" (cf. Fürst). With many Hebrew passages and quotations. At the end: Reuchlin's "De arte cabbalistica" (not included in the first edition). This famous work on cabbalistic art is written in the form of a discussion between three men: the Jew Simon, the Muslim Marranus, and the Pythagorean Philolaus, who come together for talks at Frankfurt/Main, the residence of the Jew.

Altogether well-preserved. Very rare.


VD 16, C 4616. Adams C 2420. Benzing 102. Goed. I, 416, 20. Fürst I, 314.