Alburquerque, Gabriel de la Cueva, Duke of, governor of the Duchy of Milan (c. 1515-1571). Letter signed ("El Duque de Albuquerque").

Milan, 20 June 1569.

Large 4to. 1 p. on bifolium. With address and papered seal.


Chancery document by the 5th Duque de Alburquerque, who had served as Viceroy of Navarra between 1560 and 1564, writing as Viceroy of Milan, in matters of revenue, to the fiscal magistrate of Genoa: "Per conto del resto delli cinque per cento, de l'anno 1567, che i fr[at]elli Lomellini pretendano haver da questa camera, vedrete ciò che ricercano col qui incluso loro memoriale. Scomettente che sopra la petitione sua udito il fisco, ci riferiate quanto prima col parer nostro. Iddio vi guardi [...]".

Traces of folds; slight brownstaining to margin; two edge defects restored professionally.

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