Voltaire, French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher (1694-1778). Autograph letter signed ("V").

[Potsdam, 1751/52].

8vo. ¾ p.


To the unnamed Prussian minister Samuel von Marschall (1683-1749), whom he invites to attend a comedy: "vous avez manqué la comédie ces jours passez. venez monsieur réparer cela aujourduy; apres le soupé de la reine mere [i. e. Königin Sophie Dorothea]. je joue malgré ma maladie je vous feray entrer assurément. il nous faut des spectateurs comme vous [...]".

Besterman Nr. 4053.

With some autograph remarks from Voltaire's editor Louis Nicolas Jean Joachim de Cayrol (1775-1859).

Somewhat browned and spotty; upper edge of the reverse side with a small hinge mark; small clip in the lower right corner.

Stock Code: BN#27788 Tag: