Weigel, Christoph. Historiae celebriores [Veteri et] Novi Testamenti iconibus repraesentatae et ad excitandas bonas meditationes selectis epigrammatibus exornatae in lucem datae.

Nuremberg, Christoph Weigel, [probably 1712].

Folio (240 x 328 mm). 1 engraved title-page (instead of 2) and 158 (instead of 259) engr. plates by C. and J. Luyken and F. A. Meloni. Late 18th century boards with giltstamped spine label.


Collection of 158 engravings from Weigel's "Großer Bilderbibel", one of the most beautiful illustrated Bibles of the Baroque period. The selection includes 71 (out of 151) plates from the Old Testament and 87 (out of 108) plates from the New Testament. "Jan Luyken's perspectives and his light and fine needle technique in Rembrandt's style have a high artistic value" (Faber du F.).


Hanswritten ownership "F. Westerholt 1790" to title-page.


Somewhat closely trimmed; occasional small tears (larger tears to title-page, will slight loss to corner). Some fingerstaining throughout (engravings mostly clean), one corner defects touching the image. Binding severely rubbed and bumped; spine damaged.


Bauer (Weigel) 23.1 (in: AGB XXIII [1982], cols. 693ff.). Brunet V, 1428. Faber du Faur 1843. Van Eeghen 641ff. & 829ff.

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