Reusner, Nikolaus von, German legal scholar and polyhistorian (1545-1602). Autograph poem signed ("Nicolaus Reusnerus | Silesius").

N. p. o. d.

8vo. 1 p.


Dedication poem for the later Emperor Matthias of Austria ("Serenissimo Et Inclyto Principi Ac Domino, D. Matthiae Archiduci Austriae [...]"), written on the loose flyleaf of one of his books: "Quamvis sit male comptus hic libellus: | Levi pumice nec satis politus: | Ostro nec nitidus, gravis nec auro | Princeps inclyte, spes decusque Patris | Augusti: tamen hunc velis benigno | Vultu sumere, nec repudiare [...]".

Somewhat spotty and dusty, with traces of mounting; slight edge defects; two small holes.

Of the utmost rarity.

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