Oertel, M[ax] J[oseph]. Über Terrain-Curorte zur Behandlung von Kranken mit Kreislaufs-Störungen, [...] insbesondere als Winter-Stationen in Süd-Tirol. (Meran-Mais, Bozen-Gries, Arco).

Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1886.

4to. IV, 75, (1) pp. With 2 folding maps with coloured borders. Contemp. marbled half calf with double giltstamped labels to gilt spine. Gilt top. Marbled endpapers.


First edition; inscribed copy. A groundbreaking work, responsible for a turnaround in therapeutic theory (cf. Hirsch/Hübotter).

Fine, large maps of the environs of Bozen and Merano. Inscribed by the author to Karl Theodor, Duke in Bavaria and brother of Empress Elizabeth of Austria. A fine copy with the shelfmark label of the library of Karl Theodor's father, Duke Max in Bavaria (1808-88).


Waller 6964. Hirsch/Hübotter IV, 413.

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