[Gambling bank]. Collection of jetons in decorative varnished boxes.

No place, c. 1840.

416 bone jetons in various colours (2 series). Sorted by colours in 11 cardboard boxes (c. 35 x 82 x 64 mm) with lids, all finely decorated with varnished paper and gilt fillets; lids bear coloured and varnished engravings within gilt paper borders. Stored in a large decorative box with flap lid (c. 130 x 268 x 178 mm).


Pretty lottery or gambling bank from the first half of the 19th century, with eleven pretty caskets contain two different series of jetons. The first series consists of the colours blue, yellow, green, and red (some 28 jetons each with 3 different denominations), the second series in bluw, red, and ivory consists of some 80 jetons in each colour (up to six different denominations). The large box (bumped and dusty) shows the Berlin City Palace on its lid. Includes 5 cards with the "Tarif des Boston-Whist-Spieles".

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