Otto, Jakob. Freyer Pürsch-Beschreibung, In sich begreiffende Zehen Marck- und Freyungs-Stein: Darauf verzeichnet I. Vorbericht über solche Beschreibung. II. Woher die Fr. Pürsch also genennet worden? und wie viel, oder mancherley Namen sie führe? [...] X. Was dessen Ubelstand, und gäntzlicher Ab- und Untergang seye?

Augsburg, Gottlieb Göbel, 1680.

4to. (4), 96, (8) pp.

(Bound after) II: [Deneken, Johannes]. Tractatus iuridicus von denen Dorff- und Landes-Rechten, wie auch insonderheit denen Herrn-Diensten, und der Hut und Weyde, worinnen von denen Dörffern, derer Einwohner-Stande, Unterscheyd, Ländereyen [...] vollkommener Unterricht geschiehet; aus denen allgemeinen kayserlichen, sächsischen [...] Landes-Rechten [...] von berühmten JCtis abgefasset [...]. Leipzig & Zell, Hoffmann, 1704. (6), 298 (but: 290), (2) pp. With engr. frontispiece.

(Bound after) III: Otto, Jakob. Absonderlicher Bericht Von Privat- oder Gemeinen Pfandungen [...]. Ulm, Kühne, 1686. 63, (1) pp. Contemporary vellum with ms. title to spine.


I: First edition of one of the most important collections of hunting and shooting law; rare. "Fundamental treatise and source collection on the issue of free right of chase" (cf. Lindner 1569.01). "First edition of an important treatise on the origin of wood and field craft and the unrestricted right of the chase" (Schwerdt).

II: First German edition of this work on hunting law, including comments on the laws for servants, as well as on forestry, toll, and tithe laws.

III: Another rare work by the Ulm lawyer Otto, treating lien on agricultural objects.

Fine sammelband mit with three rare legal texts from the library of the Regensburg notary Sebastian Seelmann (cf. Kobolt), a member of Hardörffer's "Pegnesian Order of the Flowers" since 1668, with his autogr. note of ownership.


I: VD 17, 23:277431P. Souhart 364. Schwerdt II, 55. Lindner 1569.01 (his own copy being incomplete, cf. ZK 41/I, 649).

II: Humpert 3611.

III: VD 17, 1:015688C.

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