Grotius, Hugo. Poemata, collecta & magnam partem nunc primum edita à fratre Guilielmo Grotio.

Leiden, Andr. Clouquius, 1617.

8vo. (24), 548, (2) pp. With engr. t. p. Contemp. vellum with ms. title to spine.


Rare first edition of the collected poetic works of the great Dutch humanist, statesman, and philosopher Hugo Grotius. "Le Poemata de Grotius furent mis à l'Index le 26 mars 1626" (Ter Meulen).

With the frequently lacking errata leaf. Immaculate copy from the library of the Regensburg jurist Sebastian Seelmann, a member of Harsdörffer's "Pegnesian Order of Flowers" since 1668 (under the name of "Silvius").


Ter Meulen/Diermanse 1. Hilgers (Index librorum prohibitorum) 422.

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