
[Styria]. Sammelband containing 7 independently published law collections for the Ducy of Styria, including 5 early, rare Graz printings.

Graz and Augsburg, 1583-1639.

Folio. I: Lanndhandvest. Des Löblichen Hertogthumbs Steyr, darinnen Keyserliche, Königliche, und Landtsfürstliche Freyhaiten, Statua, Landtgebruch and andere Satz [...]. (4), 67, (1) ff. (Augsburg, Michael Manger), 1583.

II: Des Löblichen Fürstenthumbs Steyer Gerichtsordnung: Wie vor der Landtshauptmanschafft und dem Schrannengericht Procediert werden solle Reformiert Im Jahr/1618 [...]. (4), 48 ff. Graz, Widmanstetter, 1620.

III: Des Löblichen Fürstenthumbs Steyer Landt- und Peindlich Gerichtsordnung [...]. (7), 56, (1) ff. (Augsburg, Michael Manger), 1583.

IV: Bergwercksordnung. (2), 50, (3) ff. Graz, Widmanstetter, 1617.

V: Deß Fürstenthumbs Steyr BerckrechtsBüchel [...]. (6) ff. Graz, Sebastian Haupt, 1639.

VI: New verfaste ZechendtOrdnung, im Fürstenthumb Steyr. (6) ff. Graz, Sebastian Haupt, [c. 1605, from Austrian National Library copy].

VII: In allgemainen der Dreyer Lande Steyr, Khärndten, unnd Crain [...] Landttag. (10) ff. (Graz), [Zacharias Bartsch], (1578). With 3 title pages printed in red and black, one woodcut title border and large heraldic woodcut (IV), and 3 page-sized woodcuts in the text. Several woodcut vignettes. Contemporary vellum.


These separately published regimes are "of the utmost importance for Austrian legal history" (cf. A. Huber, quoted in Europ. Rechtsgeschichte). Discusses administrative and civil law, legal procedure, treatment of the "villains", and various crimes (murder, manslaughter, personal injury, theft, adultery, infanticide, abduction, polygamy, magic, poisoning, violation, etc.) and their punishment.

Binding somewhat wormed and with traces of cuts; altogether a very appealing volume with seven interesting works of 16th-century practical law. Very rare throughout, none of the works in OCLC.


I: VD 16, S 8762. BM-STC German 841. Sauer & Auvermann (Europäische Rechtsgeschichte) 2190. Stubenrauch 1367. Stobbe II, 410. Not in Adams.

II: VD 17, 1:015904M. Bibliogr. Widmannstadiana 332. Not in Sauer & Auvermann. Stubenrauch 3291.

III: VD 16, S 8770. BM-STC German 841. Not in Adams. Sauer & Auvermann 2190. Stubenrauch 2336. Stobbe II, 410.

IV: Not in VD 17, KVK, OCLC. Bibliogr. Widmannstadiana 315. Cf. Stubenrauch 316 (1620 ed.).

V: VD 17, 7:708395V. Bibliogr. Widmannstadiana 379. Not in ÖNB. Cf. Stubenrauch 647 (1663 and 1682 eds.).

VI: VD 17, 1:015875K. Not in Stubenrauch.

VII: Not in VD 16 or Stubenrauch.

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