Where Mozart shopped for perfume

[Perfumery]. Bey der schönen Sultanin in der Kärtner [!] Straße [...].

Vienna, ca. 1799.

Engraving, ca. 250 x 220 mm (plate 227 x 184 mm).


Pretty advertisement for the Viennese perfume merchant Johann Kreuzenfeld, engraved in German, French, and - uncommonly - in English: "At the fair Sultana No. 1000 in Kärntner Strasse Johann Kreizenfeld sells all Sorts of Wares of Gallantry and Perfumery". The illustration depicts the "fair Sultana" seated on a cushion.

Johann Kreutzenfeld took over the perfume and accessoire shop in Kärntner Straße, still Vienna's most famous shopping street, around 1798 from Joseph Kreutzenfeld, probably his father. As evidenced by the re-engraved portions of the plate (the house number "1000" instead of 961, used until the re-numbering of 1795, and the Christian name), the engraving had been in use before 1795 and was variously changed. The Kreuzenfeld family ran the business in Kärntner Straße (now no. 17), located between Himmelpfortgasse and Weihburggasse, since 1778. The address is today occupied by a flagship store of the German-based "Parfümerie Douglas" perfumery chain, owned by the Kreke family.

Clean and unbrowned. Slight traces of folds.


Cf. Das wienerische Auskunftsschema für Einheimische und Fremde auf das Jahr 1799 (Vienna, Gerold, [1799]), p. 13.

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