Zbornik, Karl / Girziczka, J. Im Lande der Heinzelmännchen. Ein Schattenspiel von K. Zbornik m. Versen v. J. Girziczka.

Vienna, October 1932.

Oblong folio (300 x 223 mm). 10 pp. German verses in ink. With 10 ink silhouettes on sprinkled background. Autogr. artist's dedication signed on front flyleaf ("Karl Zbornik"). Contemp. boards; spine and corners reinforced with cloth. Ink cover illustration and title.


Charming, unpublished manuscript children's book, a unique work which the artist dedicates to his "dear little friend Hans for his birthday". The rhymes are by the unknown poet J. Girziczka.

Slightly fingerstained near beginning; binding loosened.

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