Lyell, Charles, British lawyer and the foremost geologist of his day (1797-1875). Autograph letter signed ("Cha Lyell").

Probably London, 13 June, n. y.

8vo. 3 pp. on bifolium. With autograph address and a small autograph sketch.


To J. B. Gordon, apparently a publisher or printer, relating to a correction in a sketch of Ireland: "It seems to me quite clear that Ireland must be done again & I hope may be inserted into the old cut & probably your reduced figure No. 2 will do, but I should have liked to have been able to talk over our point with you [...]".

On stationery with embossed address; slightly browned due to paper. Includes a lithographic portrait (4to, small tear in the upper margin and strongly waterstained).

Stock Code: BN#22909 Tags: ,