"Robust humour"

Einzinger, Leopold. Von den Kirchtägen in den Wienervorstädten. Ein nöthig gefundener Nachtrag zu den Beyträgen zur Schilderung Wiens.

Vienna, Sebastian Hartl, [1782].

8vo. 16 pp.

(Bound with ) II: [(Schuhbauer, Thomas Joachim?). Rede eines alten Novizenmeisters aus den Franciskanerorden an seine Zöglinge am Tage ihrer Klosterprofession bey den heutigen verdorbenen Zeitumständen. (Munich), 1782]. 94 pp. (wanting title-page). Later grey boards with giltstamped red spine label.


Only edition of this account of fairs held in the suburbs of Vienna in the 18th century; "rare" (cf. Eckl). "Bound with a Josephinian pamphlet which wants the title-page and discusses monks" (ibid.). The authorship of this second work ("parts of which display a robust humour", cf. Hayn/G.) is sometimes attributed to the Jesuit Anton Bucher and by others to the Benedictine monk Thomas Joachim Schuhbauer.


From the collection of Georg Eckl with his bookplate on the front pastedown. Latterly in the collection of Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Engel.


Somewhat browned; untrimmed.


Eckl collection IV, 231 (this copy). Gugitz II, 11628. Mayer collection 917. Behrisch, Die Wiener Autoren (1784), p. 62.

II: Hayn/Gotendorf II, 353. Holzmann/Bohatta III, 10991.

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