Slatin-Pascha, Rudolf von, administrator in the Sudan, politician, and adventurer (1857-1932). 4 autograph letters signed ("R. Slatin").

[Probably Merano], 1930.

Large 4to. Altogether 6 pp. on 4 ff.


In German, to a "dear doctor and friend": "[...] I should like to see you and your dear wife again before my departure [...]" (letter of 12 April; with punched holes in left margin [not touching text]).

"I arrived here 3 days ago after 4 weeks in Bad Hall - without any noticeable results [...]" (letter of 3 September).

"I took Anne Marie from Fetan, where she spent the summer, back to St. Blasien. She has not had the care she needs, but looks well altogether and is happy, though I am not [...]" (letter of 28 September).

"Thank you for your kind letter; I hope that you and your dear wife will do me the honour of dining with me on Saturday at 1 PM [...]" (letter of 6 October).

On stationery with printed address.

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