[Newe Zeitung]. Erzelung der Künigreych in Hispanien auch der selben jaerlich nutzung und einkomens mit sampt den herschafften dem selben Künigreych zugehoerig. Mer ein alte Prophecey Kay. Carl betreffend.

[Augsburg, Heinrich Steiner], 1532.

4to. 8 unnumbered ff. With large title woodcut and ornamental woodcut initial. Disbound, with marbled paper spine (c. 1800).


Lists the entire domain of the united Spanish kingdom, as well as all its clerical and secular princes. Also identifies the exact tributes to be paid by the various lieges and their estates, including the 140,000 ducats to by paid by the "Isles whence the gold cometh".

Trimmed very closely throughout: first line of the title clipped almost entirely; full-page coat-of-arms slightly touched by binder's knife at right and lower edges. Occasional slight browning and fingerstaining.


VD 16, E 3913. Not in Halle or Gilhofer (Zeitungen). Not in Sabin or Howes.

Stock Code: BN#19508 Tags: ,