From the library of Max von Portheim

Caraccioli, [Louis Antoine]. Leben Josephs des Zweyten. Nebst den Briefen desselben an den General Fragen d'Alton während der Unruhen in Brabant. Aus dem Französischen.

Leipzig, Karl Franz Köhler, 1791.

8vo. (12), 414 pp. With engraved portrait as a title vignette.

(Bound with) II: [Pezzl, Johann]. Anekdoten und Charakterzüge von Kaiser Joseph II. Nebst einer Skizze seines Lebens. Vienna and Leipzig, no publisher, 1790. Three parts. 126, (2) pp.; 128 pp.; 96 pp.

(Bound with) III: [Gottschling, Paul Rudolf]. Unterthänigstes Flehen an Kayser Joseph den Andern, die so schwere Strafe der Schiffziehenden in Ungarn in etwas allergnädigst zu mildern; entworfen von einem im Auslande lebenden siebenbürgischen treuen Unterthan. [Dresden, by the author?], 1787. 14 pp. Modern grey boards. Edges sprinkled in faded red.


Interesting Josephinian sammelband. I: First German edition of Caraccioli's "Vie de Joseph II, empereur d'Allemagne", translated by Gottlieb Benjamin Reichel. "Also contains: Joseph II, [Recueil de lettres originales au général D'Alton] Briefe an den General d'Alton" (Fromm).

II: First edition of Pezzl's frequently reprinted life of Joseph II in three parts, including a copious collection of anecdotes.

III: Paul Rudolph Gottschling (1721-1805), a native of Sibiu, lived in Bautzen as an accountant before relocating to Dresden in 1783, where he began to write. His petition to Joseph II to mitigate the punishment of ship-hauling (designed to be as cruel as possible to compensate for capital punishment, abolished in 1787) is labelled an "Austrian imprint" by Wernigg, while all other sources identify it as published in Dresden.


From the library of the great scholar, collector and self-styled "Josephinian" Max von Portheim (1857-1937) with his bookplate and autograph number on the front pastedown. A rare example from his private library, which was almost entirely absorbed by Vienna's Municipal Library after his death.


Some browning, otherwise fine.


I: Fromm 4509.

II: Mayer collection I, 233. Cf. Wurzbach XXII, 161. Not in Holzmann/Bohatta.

III: Wernigg 6096. Holzmann/Bohatta II, 3423 ("Dresden"). Kläbe (Neuestes gel. Dresden, 1796), in: DBA I 411, 145 ("Dresden, Selbstverlag"). Hamberger/Meusel II, in: ibid., 147. Otto (Lex. d. Oberlaus. Schriftst.) no. 15, in: ibid., 151.

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