Roscoe, William. The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, called The Magnificent. The fifth edition, corrected. In three volumes.

London, J. McCreery for T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1806.

8vo. 3 vols. XXXV, (1), 426 pp. (2), 425, (1) pp. (8), 433, (3) pp. With engraved portrait frontispiece (M. Haughton sculps.), 3 engr. title vignettes, and 13 engr. text vignettes. Contemporary full calf with giltstamped spine labels, cover borders, and cover arms.


Fifth edition (first published in 1795) of Roscoe's Medici biography. The pretty engravings show portraits, medallions, bacchanalia, the Palazzo dei Medici in Florence, etc. Vol. 3 contains "Poesie del Magnifico Lorenzo de'Medici, tratte da testi a penna della libreria Mediceo-Laurenziana", appendices, a list of illustrations, and the index.

Bindings rubbed; extremeties bumped; some damage to spine-ends and labels. Interior somewhat browned as usual due to paper.


OCLC 9055177.

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