Danielow, Iwan. Carte des europäisch- und eines Theils des asiatisch-russischen Reichs nach den neuesten astronomischen Ortsbestimmungen den grossen Atlas und andern Karten des russisch-Kaiserl. Karten-Depots verfasst, in Gouvernements eingetheilt, die Grentzen nach den letzten Friedenschlüssen berichtiget, dann die Post- und andere Hauptstrassen mit Bemerkung der Ortsentfernungen eingetragen. Carte de la partie européene et asiatique de l'Empire de Russie [...].

Vienna, T[ranquillo] Mollo, 1812.

Engraved map printed from 12 copper plates, with 2 supplements, dimensions 147,5 x 129 cm (including supplements 165 x 140 cm). Constant ratio linear horizontal scale ca. 1:2.1 million. Relief shown by hachures. Coordinates approximate and based on Greenwich meridian. Mounted on rough cloth; left and right edges protected by green strips of cloth.


In French and German. Shows extensive detail of waterways, political divisions, various roads, post stations, variously sized settlements. Consisting of 12 main sheets and 2 supplements, the map "probably appeared just in time to be offered as a map of the theatre of Napoleon's invasion of Russia. Showing the area between Gdansk and Tobolsk, and between the Kara Strait and Armenia, the map displays (in the words of a contemporary review) 'most clearly, without being in any way cluttered, [...] all conceivably important settlements, mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. in the Russian Empire and its adjacent parts, and it is quite rightly to be preferred to all other renderings of the war theatre hitherto published, as it includes Astrakhan and Tobolsk, and is quite complete in every other respect, while other maps often include not even Moscow, for which reason this map is recommended as a very useful tool to anybody wishing to follow the history of the present war'" (cf. Dörflinger II, 463f.). The two supplements added at the middle of the lower and right edge concern the areas of Tobolsk and Tiflis.

Some occasional waterstaining; Tobolsk supplement fairly strongly wrinkled. The upper edge (beyond the plate) shows traces of former wall mounting.


Dörflinger II, 463: Mol 39. Tooley I, 332 (without supplements). OCLC 964537090.

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