Galletti copy

Segneri, Paolo. Quaresimale.

Florence, Giacopo Sabatini, 1679.

Folio. (20), 747, (20) pp. With engraved frontispiece (C. Bloemart sc., C. Ferrus del.), half-page title woodcut, and numerous woodcut initials and vignettes. Contemporary vellum with giltstamped label to spine. Marbled pastedowns; all edges sprinkled.


Rare first edition of this principal work of the Italian preacher and missionary, "tradotta quasi subito in francese, spagnolo, tedesco, inglese, greco e arabo, la più nota e la più importante del l'autore" (Libr. Vinciana). The fine frontispiece depicts St. Paul promulgating the faith on the Athens Areopagus. The title is followed by the author's dedication to Cosimo III, dated April 1679.

Splendid copy from the library of the Florentine patrician Galletti with his crowned library stamp on the title page. Attractive binding in perfect condition; interior clean and nearly spotless on good paper.


Gamba 903. Parenti 457. Graesse VI, 341. Brunet V, 260. Libr. Vinciana 4854.

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