Paul III, Pope. Ein Sendbrieff, un[d] Vermanung zum Fride, Pabst Pauli des Dritten, Römischer Keys. Maiestat, durch J. H. Legaten den Cardinal von Visen uberantwort. Darauff Römischer Keys. Maiest. Antwort. Newlich aus dem Latin verdeutscht. Anno 1543.

[Nuremberg, Johann Petreius?], 1543.

4to. (16) pp. (a4, B4). With 2 woodcut initials. Modern marbled wrappers.


One of four impressions made in the same year. Interesting correspondence between Pope Paul III and Emperor Charles V in connection with the European wars of the Reformation era preceding the Council of Trent.

VD 16 cites an edition with the same title with only 6 ff.; the only 8-leaf edition listed, printed in Strasbourg, departs in the spelling and setting of the title. Occasional slight brownstaining.


Cf. VD 16, K 357 (= D 1117).

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