[Fischer, Leopold]. Brevis notitia urbis veteris Vindobonae ex variis documentis collecta Josepho II. Romanorum Regi semper augusto ab austriaca Jesu Societate oblata.

Vienna, J. Th. Trattner, 1764.

4to. (32), 257, (1) pp. With engraved frontispiece, engraved vignette showing a view of Vienna, 1 engraved initial, 10 double-page-sized tables, and 1 folding map of Vienna. Contemporary calf with double cover rules, border, and fleuronée corners; gilt label to elaborately gilt spine. All edges gilt.


First edition of this important book on the history of Vienna, splendidly bound. First published anonymously, this work by the Viennese Jesuit and historian Fischer (1703-81) is dedicated to Joseph II, newly crowned King of the Romans (his portrait frontispiece is engraved by J. Mansfeld). It remains sought after for its illustrations; the large engraved map of Vienna is based on Augustin Hirschvogel's original pen drawing in Vienna's Historical Museum and shows the city in the year 1547. "The detailed ground plan of the inner city is considered a fundamental documentation of Vienna" (cf. Wien im Mittelalter, Kat. des Historischen Museums der Stadt Wien, 1975/6, no. 364). The vignette at the beginning shows a fine view of the entire city of Vienna.

Endpapers and title-page have deleted stamps, otherwise a very pretty and appealingly bound copy.


Gugitz I, 18. Mayer collection 81 (“Seltene Quartausgabe”). De Backer/Sommervogel III, 756. Giese 630. Seemann (Trattner) 1303. Holzmann/Bohatta III, 7096. Kat. d. hist. Ausstellung von Wr. Buchdruck-Erzeugnissen 1482-1882 (Vienna 1882) 584.

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