Perez, Antonio. Institutiones imperiales erotematibus distinctae, atque ex ipsis principiis regulisque iuris, passim insertis, explicatae. Editio octava.

Amsterdam, Ludovico & Daniel Elzevier, 1657.

12mo. (14), 603, (5) pp. With engraved title-page and woodcut printer's device on letterpress title. Contemporary vellum with handwritten spine title.


Eighth edition (but the third Elzevir) of this student textbook intended to make the Justinian Institutions accessible to beginners, ostensibly to serve as a model for practical questions on everyday gentlemanly affairs from guardianship and inheritance to property, servitude, debt, business ownership, and so on. Perez (1583-1672), a Spaniard from Alvaro, was made professor of law in Louvain in 1614. He served as councillor to the Spanish court and army administrator in the Palatinate.

Title-apge and frontispice somewhat browned and waterstained, otherwise largely clean. Contemporary ink ownership to title.


Willems 1219. Berghman 283. Jöcher/Adelung V, 1890.

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