Hejaz Railway

Abdülhamid II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1842-1918, ruled 1876-1909). Imperial Hejaz berat certificate for Mehmed Suleyman Pasha.

Kostantiniyye (Istanbul), [16 Sep. 1905 CE =] 16 Rajab 1323.

320 x 570 mm. Lithographed form in gilt, filled in with black ink sprinkled with mica flakes. Tughra of the sultan at the head.


To Seyh Mehmed Suleyman Pasha: a berat certificate awarding a gold medal in appreciation of his support for and contribution to the building of the Hejaz railway. The document reads, in translation: "I ordered the construction of the railway from Damascus to Mecca and Medina in order to facilitate the journey of the pilgrims who wish to attain the forgiveness of Allah. A medal of various classes was established to reward men and women who helped by providing financial aid to this railway construction or by working in construction. Seyh Mehmed Suleyman Pasha, an Algerian notable and scholar, assisted in the construction of the railway. For this reason, he was awarded the Hejaz Railway Gold Medal. In accordance with law and my imperial edict, I order the above-named person to be awarded a gold medal. Accordingly, this document has been written on 16 Rajab 1323".

Berat certificates were official documents issued by the Sultan to grant a privilege, to appoint dignitaries, or to confer the right to possession of a property belonging to the state. Many donation campaigns were launched during the construction of the Hejaz railway, and Sultan Abdülhamid II himself made a donation of 50,000 liras to encourage others. The Hejaz Railway Medal and certificate were awarded to benefactors who donated a certain amount or contributed in the building of the railway. This medal was issued in gold, silver and nickel versions: nickel was given to those who donated 5 to 50 gold coins, silver to those who donated 50 to 100 gold coins, and gold to those who donated more than 100 gold coins.


Folded with light edge flaws; minor stains. On the reverse are the official seal (dated 1321/1903) and signatures. Numbered 259/724. Full transcription available.