The art of oil prospecting from the air

Weatherhead, T[renham] D[esmond]. Aerial Surveying for Oil in the Middle East.

London, Hunting Aerosurveys Ltd., [1948].

4to. (8) pp. Reprinted from: Petroleum Times Review of Middle East Oil (1948). With numerous illustrations in photos and diagrams. Original stapled wrappers.


This article on the relatively new art of aerial surveying for oil was written by a manager at Hunting Aerosurveys, perhaps the most prolific aerial photographers of the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Illustrated with diagrams and photographs pulled from an earlier survey of oil fields, Hunting Aerosurveys describes the efficacy and importance of aerial imagining as an aid for geologists and oil prospectors, and describes the technical process required.

Hunting likely intended this publication as a promotion of their work. A note at the beginning of the text thanks the Petroleum Times (the journal in which this article was first printed) "for permission to reproduce their cover design which is based on the Royal Geographical Society's historical map taken from A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World by John Speed (1631). This early cartographer describes what is now Saudi Arabia as 'Happie Arabia.' It has since passed through many vicissitudes, but recent and impending oil developments can bring to this area, and to the whole of the Middle East, a prosperity which it has never known before".

Scarce, not listed on OCLC.


Light edgewear; binding a touch delicate. In good condition.

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