From one future Nobel laureate to another

Bohr, Niels, physicist (1885-1962). Typed letter signed ("N. Bohr").

Copenhagen, 1. III. 1922.

4to. ½ page. In German


Bohr compliments his fellow atomic physicist James Franck (1882-1964), the same year in which Bohr would win the Nobel Prize for his research on atomic structure. Of Franck's manuscript, Bohr states "we were all very interested here, especially Klein and Rosseland, in your beautiful work, which stimulates many new ideas [...] since I am about to travel to England, Klein and Rosseland will immediately send the manuscript back to you and would like to ask you a few small questions [...]" (transl.): "Wir waren natürlich alle hier und besonders Klein und Rosseland in [!] Ihrer schönen Arbeit sehr interessiert, die ja zu manchen neuen Gedanken anregt. Ich möchte selbst sehr gern über die Fragen näher mit Ihnen sprechen können; ich muss aber damit warten, bis wir uns in Göttingen treffen. Da ich eben im Begriff bin nach England zu reisen, weden Klein und Rosseland Ihnen umgehend das Manuskript zurückschicken und möchten Ihnen zu gleicher Zeit einige kleine Fragen über die behandelten Probleme stellen [...]".

In 1922, Bohr won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to "the investigation of the structure of atoms" and his leading role in the blossoming field of quantum mechanics. Franck, with Gustav Hertz, helped confirm Bohr's model of the atom through a series of experiments in fluorescence, which earned the pair the Nobel Prize in Physics three years later.


On Institute of Theoretical Physics letterhead (heavy folds, some small partial fold separations, some reinforced with tape).

Cat. no.: 39 Catalogue: New Yorker Antiquariatsmesse 2024