Terentius Afer, Publius. Pub. Terentii Aphri Comoediae sex. Post omnes omnium editiones summa denuo vigilantia recognitae.

Venice, ex officina Erasmiana: Vincenzo Valgrisi & Baldassarre Costantini, 1558.

8vo (118 x 177 mm). 303, (1) pp., interleaved throughout.With woodcut printer's device to title-page. Contemporary green-coloured limp vellum, blindstamped "PSLF 1563" on upper cover. All edges red.


Extremely rare Venetian edition of Terence's comedies, apparently published in conjuction with a similar one that appeared in Lyons. This copy is interleaved throughout by the 16th century binder, but contains no annotations whatsoever.


Title-page has contemporary ownership "Sum B... M...", made illegible by a subsequent contemporary owner who signs his name "P. L. Franci" (?) immediately underneath; to him we may attribute the initials PSLF and the date 1563 on the binding. A further handwritten ownership "Joannis Delii" in a neat humanist hand to left and right of printer's device. Further with Hungarian collector's stamp in purple ink, dated 1912. Acquired from an Austrian private collection.


Wants ties; vellum rubbed and covers somewhat shrunken; spine hollow and warped. A few unobtrusive wormholes to margins.


Edit 16, CNCE 48064. Not in Adams, BM-STC Italian, Schweiger, Machiels, BN Paris, etc.

Stock Code: BN#61512 Schlagwörter: , ,