Buffet, Eugénie, French singer (1866-1934). Portrait photograph signed and autograph pneumatic mail signed.

Paris, 1900 and 7 April 1925.

165 x 91 mm (photograph) and 8vo. Together 2 pp.


The beautiful portrait of Buffet in medieval costume by the important Parisian photographer Pierre Petit was made for the promotion of Buffet's cabaret programme at the reconstructed "Cabaret de la Pomme de Pin" during the 1900 Paris Exhibition. The autograph inscription reads: "1900 'Vieux Paris' Cabaret de la Pome [!] de Pin".

"Le Vieux Paris" was the name of Albert Robida's reconstruction of medieval Paris along the Quai de Billy that proved one of the most successful attractions of the Paris Exhibition. The "Cabaret de la Pomme de Pin", where Buffet and other important artists performed, was inspired by the like-named tavern celebrated by François Villon and Rabelais in the 15th and 16th centuries.

The letter is addressed to the "Directrice du Concert à l'Hôpital des Invalides", informing her that due to a conflict of appointments, Buffet would not able to perform that evening at the Hôtel des Invalides: "Dans mon empressement à vouloir vous être agréable - j'avais oublié que je n'était pas libre - ne comptez donc pas sur moi et uen foi avisez moi plus tôt".

On stationery of the Grand Hôtel Indo-Hollandais in Paris. Somewhat creased.

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