Michaelis, Johann David. Hebräische Grammatik nebst einem Anhange von gründlicher Erkentniß derselben.

Halle, Carl Hermann Hemmerde, 1745.

8vo. (40), 312, 53, (19) pp. With one folding plate.

(Bound with) II: Tarnow, Hermann / Weidner, Johann Joachim. Grammatica Hebraeo-Biblica, comprehendens etymologiam, syntaxin, eloquentiam [...]. Rostock, Nikolaus Schwiegerau, 1722. (8), 248, (16) pp. 19th century half calf over marbled boards with giltstamped spine and spine-label.


First edition of the Hebrew grammar prepared by the most celebrated orientalist of his day. The Göttingen scholar Johann David Michaelis (1717-1791) was the leading expert on Hebrew philology and Biblical exegesis. The present work advocates a new approach to emancipating Hebrew philology from the Greek and Roman tradition of linguistics, discussing verbs before nouns, as opposed to traditional Latin grammars. Fürst dates the first edition to 1744, in apparent error for 1745.

II: First edition of this grammar of biblical Hebrew by the German Lutheran theologians J. J. Weidner (1672-1732) and H. Tarnow (1674-1741).

Extremities slightly rubbed; tiny portion of upper hinge chipped away. Paper evenly browned troughout; occasional light spotting.


ADB XXI, 685-690. OCLC 258323863. Cf. Fürst II, 375 (1744 ed.). Goedeke IV, 221. Not in Smitskamp.

II: Fürst III, 410. VD 18, 13308904. OCLC 248815662. Not in Smitskamp.

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