[Austrian NSDAP]. Draft of a speech following the 1930 elections.

[Austria, November 1930].

Small 4to. Typescript. 4 ff.


Draft of a post-election speech of a Nazi party official after the Austrian parliamentary elections of 9 November 1930. Although the Nazi party won less than four percent of the popular vote (albeit their best result so far), it quickly advanced to a mass party, winning elections in the following years. Hinting at the party's growing follower base, the speech repeatedly mentions heavily crowded assemblies. It advocates a "new worldview", pointing out that the Nazis "are not here to save the bourgeoisie but to vanquish Marxism", and laments that "the Jew has positioned himself at the top" of society.

The 1930 election was the last parliamentary election of the First Austrian Republic. The Austrian branch of the NSDAP was banned on 19 June 1933; a series of socialist-fascist clashes in 1934 was followed by the authoritarian Federal State of Austria (Corporate State) and the eventual "Anschluss" with Nazi Germany in 1938.

With handwritten ink caption as well as red and blue crayon highlights and annotations. Slightly foxed; some rust stains and traces of stapling.

Stock Code: BN#57889 Schlagwörter: , ,