Arabic manuscript of Euclid's Elements

Euclid / [Al-Tusi, Nasir al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad (transl.)]. Kitab tahrir usul li-Uqlidus [Elements].

[Central Asia, 1653 CE =] 1063 H.

4to (160 x 244 mm). Arabic manuscript on polished oriental paper. (252) pp., 21 lines, per extensum. Black ink with red underlinings and emphases. With numerous red ink diagrams in the text and margins. Contemporary blindstamped full calf, restored and spine rebacked.


A fine mid-17th century Arabic manuscript of Euclid's famous "Elements of Geometry", the "oldest mathematical textbook in the world still in common use today" (PMM). The translation is by the great Persian polymath Nasir ad-Din at-Tusi (1201-74), after whom the lunar crater "Nasireddin" is named. Written in Central Asia, this manuscript comprises fifteen books rather than the usual thirteen. Some of the marginal diagrams may have been added later.

Paper browned and somewhat mottled throughout, less so near the end of the volume. The restored binding uses the stamped original cover material.


GAL I, 510, 23.

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