Manet, Edouard, French painter (1832-1883). Autograph letter signed and 5 autograph calling cards.

[Paris], no date.

Oblong 8vo and calling card format. Together 6 pp. In pencil.


To a friend, offering to obtain opera tickets for the same night and asking him to let him know directly if he does not want any: "Voulez-vous une place p. ce soir à l'opéra ? loge 19 - 3ème. Si non envoyez le dire de suite [...]".

Three calling cards with the address "49 rue de St Pétersbourg", Manet's home address from 1866 to 1878. To a friend expecting him to join him for a visit of the Anastasi exhibition: "Je vous attends pour aller à l'exposition Anastasi". With an invitation to join a dinner party at Tortoni's: "Nous sommes jusqu'à 7 h. à Tortoni - avec André nous dinons ensemble. Venez donc si vous n'avez rien à faire". Hoping to borrow a belt and rifle: "Ayez donc la complaisance de me prêter le ceinturon qui est dans votre antichambre et un fusil [...]".

Two calling cards with the address "4 rue St Pétersbourg", the place of Manet's atelier from 1872 to 1879, with invitations to come by on Sunday afternoon ("Venez dimanche à l'atelier à 4-4 ½ au plus tard") or right away ("Passez de suite chez moi").

Stock Code: BN#57119 Schlagwort: