[Reineke Fuchs]. Reineke Fuchs, das ist ein sehr nützliches Lust- und Sinn-reiches Büchlein.

Rostock, Joachim Wilde, 1662.

8vo. 421, (17) pp., final blank leaf. Illustrated title-page printed in red and black. With 41 woodcut illustrations after Virgil Solis. Contemporary vellum. All edges coloured.


Second Wilde edition of the popular tales of Reynard the Fox, which were widespread across northern Europe from the Middle Ages onwards. This "Baroque retelling" (Menke) in verse, "d'un contemporain inconnu du fameux Zesen" (Graesse), had first appeared in 1650 and was here expanded "by several hundred lines" (subtitle). Virgil Solis' fine woodcut illustrations are repeated from Hartmann Schopper's "Opus poeticum" (1567).

Occasional light browning as common. Wants first flyleaf. Rare.


VD 17, 39:120999S. Menke B, 25. Graesse VI/1, 84 (note). Cf. Goedeke II, 322, 3 ("1663"). Not in Jantz or Faber du Faur. Not in Heitz/Ritter.

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