In defence of vaccination

Tissot, [Samuel Auguste André David]. L'inoculazione giustificata, ovvero Dissertazione pratica e apologetica su questo metodo.

Venice, Domenico Pompeati, 1775.

8vo. XVI, 158, (2) pp., final blank leaf. Contemporary carta rustica binding.


First Italian edition. This still-timely booklet by the vaccination pioneer Tissot (1728-97), which first appeared in Lausanne in 1754 and was reprinted with additions in 1774, examines the progress of inoculation throughout Europe and defends the method from the malicious criticism of its detractors.

Rough covers duststained. A large dampstain throughout with some browning. Untrimmed, unsophisticated copy. Rare; only four copies recorded outside Italy (Lausanne, NLM, Johns Hopkins, Univ. of California Berkeley).


Blake 453. ICCU RMLE\024231. OCLC 14863665. Not in Waller.

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