Outcault, Richard Felton, American cartoonist (1863-1928). "Concert donné à bord de la Bretagne le Juin 1er au bénefice de la Societé Centrale de Secours aux Marins Naufrages". Mimeographed concert programme signed.

No place or date (probably 1920s).

4to. 1 p. Signed in pencil.


A humorous programme for a concert given for the benefit of the French Society for the Relief of Shipwrecked Sailors, inscribed "Sincerely yours / R. F. Outcault". The programme begins with five pieces of music, followed by "Some True Stories" told by Outcault, then features another four musical items concluded by "Some lies", also told by the artist. The illustration shows his famous cartoon character Buster Brown playing the violin, with his dog Tige holding up the notes.

Light brownstaining. For his creations "The Yellow Kid" and "Buster Brown", Outcault is hailed as a pioneer of the modern comic strip. After achieving financial success he retired to pursue his first love, painting, and became a well-respected figure in American art. The present event's chairman was the American Impressionist painter Edward Simmons (1852-1931), several of whose works reveal a preoccupation with the grandeur and dangers of the sea.

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